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en:Lyon Innovation Week, {en:4 major events during the same week in Lyon from Tuesday April 4th to Friday 7th. Innovation is waiting for you in 3key sectors: Life Sciences, connected intelligence and Industry. 2017 - Catalogues / Foxoo
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en:Lyon Innovation Week, {en:4 major events during the same week in Lyon from Tuesday April 4th to Friday 7th. Innovation is waiting for you in 3key sectors: Life Sciences, connected intelligence and Industry. 2017 / Catalogues

Evènement passé.

Du 4 au 7 avril 2017 à Lyon (69).

{en: - BIG BOOSTER - INTERNATIONAL STARTUP ACCELERATION PROGRAM The final phase of a European startup competition set between Lyon and Boston. From April 4th to April 7th, Big Booster will select the winners of its 2nd season in Lyon Convention Centre.

- INDUSTRIE LYON 2017 ' THE TRADESHOW FOR PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES The leading French exhibition for equipment, components, products and services related to industrial design and production is scheduled from the 4th to the 7th of April in Eurexpo Lyon.

- WORLD LIFE SCIENCES FORUM An international gathering on Life Sciences aiming to transform innovative ideas into concrete actions will take place from the 4th to the 6th of April at Lyon Convention Centre. -

- THE INTELLIGENT INTERNET OF THINGS SHOWROOM SidO , the leading international showroom dedicated to the Internet of Things, with free access to all professionals, is set to take place at Lyon Cité Internationale on the 5th & 6th of April.

Lyon convention Centre

Lyon Convention Centre
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